Synthetic Webbing Tie Dows: Any combination of fittings, webbing and tensioners forming an assembly that attaches
to vehicle and cargo anchor / attachment points. Tie downs are used for securing articles of cargo to a vehicle or restraining articles of cargo from movement on a vehicle.
WORKING LOAD LIMIT: The maximum allowable loading force for each web tie down.
The design factor for new synthetic web tie downs, with or without hardware, shall be a minimum of 3:1
WEBBING: A fabric, woven of high tenacity yarns offering suitable characteristics for usein the manufacture of web tie downs. Reference the WSTDA Recommended Standard Specification for Webbing used for Tie Downs (WSDTA-T-4)
TREATED WEBBING - Webbing to which a chemical treatment has been applied which offers some degree of protection against an environmental or mechanical hazard.