The term one way use sling or one trip textile sling is given to a woven textile sling that has been designed for the specific purpose of attaching to, and accompanying, a specific product for its specified journey, from source to final destination. To avoid further use of the sling they shall be taken out of service and disposed of responsibly, to prevent further use. They must not be used as a general-purpose sling or outside of the limitations of use specified by the manufacturer. In this respect, they differ from lifting slings that comply with EN 1492-1 and that may be reused for transport and lifting operations.
The one way use sling or single use sling is simply wrapped and secured around the load and connected to a lifting device. And they will stay with the load throughout its operation until the sling is completely removed at the final destination.
One way slings or single use slings are designed for one load only and not intended for repeated use. Common use type is completely endless type, also some have one soft eye at one end and some have two softs eyes at each end. Usually the safety factor is 4:1 or 5:1, higher safety factor 6:1 or 7:1 is available upon request.
One way slings or single use slings are now widely used in manufacturers of tubing/pipe, steel mesh, steel bars as well as lifting and transporting large structures for the construction industry.